
Happy Birthday NatronundSoda!

Since the wonderful NatronundSoda Project has its 10th birthday this year, they started a "thumbs up!" project.

This is my picture:

Sew on!



Heaven can wait, but not for its capsules.

Nespresso chic is in, I know.
And jewellery made from Nespresso capsules isn't really a new thing too.


I really really have to post this, because my grandpa made them for me!

One day my 76yrs old grandpa thought "what a pity to throw all those colourful Nespresso capsules away. Maybe I should use them for some crafty project."
Then he started collecting the capsules, cut the silver foil and peeled it off, threw the left over coffee away.
With two wooden trays he then squeezed them just using his hands, than he added some super-craft-wood-whatever he found in his workshop-glue and put two capsules together and squeezed them again, this time using the trays AND a bench vice too.

Then he had funny tiny little capsule beads.
With a hole punch he borrowed from me he made two holes into the beads.
Then he searched for a chain and added the capsules to the chain by bending the chain links open.

I also sent him some earring hooks, which he instantly used to create simple nespresso earrings.

My grandpa is 76yrs old, his eye sight is really bad now. In earlier years he used to be in his workshop all day making all kinds of funny things. But never ever something this tiny.
Actually, my grandma is involved a lot too: She always has to tell him, which colour the capsules are he uses. Because he can't really differ from red to brown or blue to grey and so on.

Enough said, here are the first pictures of his first creation.
Many more to follow, I packed a parcel full of beading stuff (all made for big hands and much bigger than the ones that I would use, but he wouldn't be happy with tiny girly jewellery stuff ;) ) and he is busy drinking coffee and collecting the capsules.

Love you, grandpa!



Werbung in eigener Sache

Lange erträumt, endlich in die Tat umgesetzt:

Seit heute ist offiziell mein neuer Blog online:

Wissenswertes, Neuigkeiten und Allerlei Getratsche über passende BHs (nicht nur) in Österreich

Seit nun gut einem Jahr beschäftige ich mich sehr viel und zum Teil auch sehr intensiv mit den verschiedenen BH-Schnitten, Größen, Modellen und vor allem Bezugsquellen in Österreich.

Eines steht fest: Hier muss noch viel geschehen!
Ich hoffe, ich kann mit meinem Blog ein wenig Licht ins Dunkel des BH-Dschungels bringen und euch vielleicht mit dem ein oder anderen Tip zu passenden BHs verhelfen.

Es würde mich sehr freuen, wenn ich bei den Kurvendiskussionen einige bekannte Gesichter wiedersehen würde!

Es stehen schon einige Artikel in den Startlöchern, jetzt fehlen nur noch die Leser ;)

Bis dann, 
Eure Denocte