
Behold his Owliness...

...the Scandinavian owl-pants.

A very dear friend of mine has an important birthday coming up. It's his 2nd birthday, cheerio!

Since he lives in Finland with his parents I don't see him very often. Just the occasional Skype video-chat ;)

But I couldn't resist and had to sew something for him.

The really trve evil bib overall!

I used brown cord fabric and light blue jeans for the outside and really really cosy light blue flannel fabric for the lining. The pattern is from the Ottobre autumn 09 (everything fits, Scandinavian again ;) ).

After two weeks of worrying, the package somehow got lost in FIN, it arrived on the 17th and got delivered today, I finally and proudly present the cutest trousers ever. awww ;)

I like the big pockets and those seams on the knees. Looks very outdoorsy ;)

The lining (it's got leaves on it)

And look: Thanks to patchworkers' advice the crossing seams are really nicely done this time.

4 Kommentare:

  1. That's so cute :) And I suppose that fabric will keep him warm in snowy cold Finland!

  2. die ist zum klauen süss,auf das sie schön warm hält in finnland!

  3. I hope so!
    They already sent a vid, the pants seem to fit - yay!

    danke :)

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