I created a Dirndl-Dress, pattern and everything very traditionally.
Since I'm gonna enter a Contest, the "Gössl Dirndlflugtag 2011" tomorrow, I needed a Dirndl that's suitable for jumping down 4m into a lake.
Edit: Action Pics online here
So hopefully I can provide you with pictures "in action" soon.
I twisted Austrian Culture with the ancient myth of Icarus.
So this is what Icarus would look like in my mind, if he was a her ;) and born somewhere in the Austrian region "Innviertel"
This outfit contains:
A Dirndl Blouse (bought, brand is Hammerschmid Salzburg)
poufy underpants ("bloomers") created after a pattern from sweet snowlady, check out her blog ReichDerSchwarzenRüschen
It's an original pattern of an "Innviertler Säumchentracht", made from offwhite Linnen with flower printing, light blue cotton for the lining, darkblue linnen for the Passepoiles.
I bought all the fabrics from "Heimatwerk" in Linz.
The skirt has some rather large pleats in the front (where the apron covers them) and tiny ruffles in the back.
The top is fastened with some rather large hooks and eyes. The seams on the front give this dress its name, as (tiny) seams could be translated with "Säumchen" hence the name "Säumchentracht".
Traditionally this dress comes with a rosé-white striped apron. I did use a very soft linnen/cotton fabric for this apron. Then I added a LOT of stuff to kind of "tell the story" of Icarus and his fall.
So the Apron is actually kind of a whole project on it's own.
The sea.
Beautiful blue Van-Gogh-like cotton fabric with swirls and waves on it. I cut it in form, sew it onto the apron and added blue, dark blue and green beads on top of the waves. Yes. A lot of beads.
The sun.
Icarus' wings are burned by the sun. So of course you'll find a sun on my apron. It's made from the same Van-Gogh Design, but in yellow/orange. Again I sew thousands of tiny beads on the sun. It's really sparkling in sunlight!
I made a tiny Icarus Doll out of the same fabrics I used for my dress. Tiny Icarus has wings made from Ostrich feathers, a dress, an apron and a felted head made from norwegian super-soft-super-perfect wool. (Thanks to Helsinki for providing me with this great stuff ;) )
All around the apron there are feathers from Icarus' wings flying around.
And my wings.
I used some very thin cotton fabric (actually it's some leftover curtain fabric from Ikea ;) ) and added hundreds of feathers. They are just pierced in and out again through the fabric and fixed with some spray-on glue from the back. Like Icarus I have some straps to fasten the wings to my arms (and my dress).
Oh, ist das toll geworden! *bewunder*
AntwortenLöschenIch hab dir gestern auch eifrig die Daumen gedrückt und hoffe auf Action-Fotos...! ;-)