Well, the Dress and the Blouse are finished, the apron is nearly done - just have to sew the hem.
I even ironed the dress. so very proud ;)
I figured I'll just post pics when it's all done, hopefully someone can take some pics all dressed up.
But I made another accessoire to wear with the dress:
This cute brooche. I do have some problems with it, because the corners tend to roll up :(
Any Ideas how to prevent them from doing so?
Or do I have to sew some other non flexible material to the back?
This beautiful piece was a birthday present, I got it the same day I got the fabric for this dress. Destiny!
And of course I had much help. Cats dragging my dress all around the living room to cuddle up underneath the couch with it. hmpf.
At the moment I'm trying to apply those false eyelashes with feathers... but it always looks... strange. Don't know whether it's me or the lashes ;)
Oh, das obere Katzenbild mit dem habgeknickten Ohr...! *quietsch*
AntwortenLöschenNaja, diese Wimpern sehen ja auch enorm unecht aus. Auf jeden Fall brauchen sie viel Make-up zur Unterstützung.