Yesterday I pinned the top and the skirt together to just try it on and have a look, whether I'm on the right trip or not.
And, yes, it does look right :)
I spare you the pics of me wearing it, furthermore there aren't any buttons in it yet so I always need both hands to hold the dress on its place - no hand left for taking pictures *grin*
Next thing I have to do:
Make A LOT of bias tape and finish the front and back parts of the top before sewing them together.
Then add the skirt, add some buttons and sew an apron.
If you read it, it does sound very small work left... but finishing the top will take me some time I guess. And choosing which buttons I want will take a lot of work too^^
Oh, and buying fabric for the apron. It should be black, but that's all I know for now.
And buying fabric for the blouse. Again, should be black, but what fabric? Chiffon? Nice thin cotton? Help?
hm... Ob du jetzt chiffon oder dünne Baumwolle für die Bluse nimmst würde ich davon abhängig machen aus welchen Materialien die anderen Stoffe überwiegend sind, eher natürlich oder eher Polytierchen?
AntwortenLöschenRock ist Seidentaft, Oberteil ist schon mit Poly, aber nicht plastikmäßig.