I've been sick for about a week now, but today I found some time and strength to work on my Dirndl.
First I cut and sew together a lot of bias tape, using the same fabric as used in the vest. Doesn't look that spectacular...
Then I closed the shoulder seams and I'm very happy with the results. The braids overlap perfectly and you really don't see the seam that much.
As you see in this picture I've already sewn the bias tape to the neckline.
Those two steps were the first ones actually using a sewing machine in this project!
Next step is sewing the bias binding per hand to the lining and with this step finishing the neckline.
Kehe, schon wieder gleichzeitig gepostet. :D
AntwortenLöschenNebenbei: Chic!
Wir haben echt eine mentale Verbindung, die uns immer gleichzeitig zum Posten bringt^^
AntwortenLöschenWir sollten uns treffen.
Und danke :)