Denocte proudly presents the first entry in her new blog.
Inspired from the wonderful project of ParaNoire, who helps fabric and yarn leftovers finding a new destiny and spins them into wonderful and really unique yarn!
We swapped materials and so now I'm the proud owner of those two crocheted projects:
The cool indie wraparound necklace
The yarn simply was _made_ to be a necklace. Seriously. It was not very long, so it was clear that you should make some accessory out of it. First I tried knitting the yarn, but since it was not really long and knitting was somehow too "stiff" I decided to do a bit of crocheting. After some time I found out, that it looks best if you just make a really loose chain. I used some black feathers and a ring with black stone beads too, I just stuck them into the chain while crocheting.
I really like it, my boyfriend doesn't - but well, I'm the one who will wear it ;)
And the kitschy sweet hairband/necklace
Since the yarn was muuuch pinker in reality than it looked on the pic, at first I wasn't really inspired. But then I just tried a bit and then I knew it: this will be my new hairband / necklace.
Again i crocheted the yarn, but then I spun (?) it with itself, so i got a thicker band of really pink and gloriously irregular thick garn. Exactly as I wanted :)
Finally I decorated it with a pink bow made of a leoprint net fabric and two buttons. Those are more than just decoration, I use them for adjusting the length:
Short: Wear it as a band thingy in your hair
longer: Weat it as a necklace again :)
Unfortunately I have brown hair now, this colour would have fitted perfectly to my black-pink hair. Now it's kind of strange *lol*
It was definitely not the last time working with this kind of yarn. But I still need some practise, I want to find a method how to knit this yarn and still have this loose look.
ist super schön geworden!
Dankeschön :)
AntwortenLöschenIch verfolge dich. ;)
AntwortenLöschenDie schwarz/rote Kette gefällt mir sehr gut - pink mag ich aber einfach nicht.^^
loose look - HUGE knitting needles! Das wär mein Tipp ;) 10er oder 15er oder so :3 Könnt mir gut vorstellen, dass das funktioniert...
AntwortenLöschenAls Stichwort fällt mir da auch "broomstick knitting" ein... und es gibt auch eine Methode, wo man den Faden nicht nur einfach durch die Masche holt, sondern ihn mehrfach um die Stricknadel wickelt... genau kann ichs nich erklären.. wenn ich wieder über die Anleitung stolper sage ich dir Bescheid :)
ja, bitte gerne!
AntwortenLöschenBin noch nicht so ganz zufrieden. Muss wohl mehr Wolle eintauschen und üben *grins*
lg denocte
Crocheting with big crochet needles or your fingers will make it with more space/fluffier...
AntwortenLöschenWhat ParaNoire means is like the following stitch (with the several yarn over method):
Thanks :)
AntwortenLöschenI did crochet those with my fingers, I just forgot mentioning it *G*
thanks for the link, it looks rather complicated :shock: but I will give it a try.